In Memory of Sylvia Chertow
Thoughts from Francesca Carlow
Sylvia Chertow was a force to be reckoned with. She had a well-honed skill set and never backed away from fighting to provide a united voice to help the small business community of Nassau County. She communicated her message without using emails, text messages or Facebook posts.
Sylvia picked up the phone or paid you a visit to get the job done! Sylvia was trustworthy, loyal, and tenacious. Her dedication was unwavering, and her vision clear.
For 20 years I worked with Sylvia on the board of the Nassau Council of Chambers of Commerce and she set an example I tried to build upon.
In 2010 when I was asked to run for the New York State Senate she encouraged me as a friend but also cautioned of the many pitfalls and sacrifices I could face. She supported my decision and volunteered to help in my campaign.
I miss hearing her unmistakable voice on the phone and bringing rugalach to her house for afternoon tea. Her advice and our “agreeing to disagree” conversations will never be replaced.
I was proud and honored to call Sylvia Chertow a mentor and my friend.
Thoughts from Ginny McClean
It is with deep sadness that I heard of the passing of our longtime member, Legislative Chair and Past President, Sylvia Chertow.
Sylvia was a major asset to the Nassau Council of Chambers of Commerce. Her wealth of knowledge of the business community and NCCC’s history was amazing.
As I first met Sylvia in the 1990s, I cannot speak to her tenure as president but I can tell you that she was a staunch follower of rules, especially of our
By-Laws. As the only Past President to religiously attend monthly meetings, she insisted in doing her part in heading the Nominating committee. It was her “duty” to insure that the NCCC was kept in trusting hands.
I had the pleasure of working with Sylvia when we co-chaired the annual breakfast. Being the senior member, she took charge…telling me to be sure to do this, don’t forget to do that, and did I mention do it now?? She was a hoot and thank goodness I had plenty of patience. Something you needed especially when she had computer problems and wanted you to walk her through the process to correct issues with her nemesis, technology. She definitely preferred her pencil and paper where she kept notes on everything!
Stubborn in temperament, she refused to let her failing hearing, vision and age (which she’d never disclose) interfere with her involvement. She had a sharp mind; a force to be reckoned with. She definitely was a woman with a strong personality, tough as nails and never forgot a conversation she had with you and she’d remind you of that. Getting close to her was a challenge but if you were lucky enough to get past her steely exterior you were golden and had a friend for life. You’d see how kind, thoughtful, concerned and smart she was and she cared. She cared how your family was, how your business was faring and above all how you were doing.
I am proud and blessed to be called her friend and I will miss her but knowing she is with her beloved Jerry is comfort enough.
May you Rest in Peace dearest Sylvia.
Thoughts from Henry and Anne Stampfel
The cities, towns and villages of Nassau County lost someone special last week. The person I am speaking of is Sylvia Chertow. Sylvia brought class, intelligence, and persistence to every organization in which she participated. We had the pleasure of working with her on the Board of the Nassau Council of Chambers of Commerce of which she was a cofounder. She was a true advocate for small businesses and their local Chambers. Sylvia had enormous love for her community and showed it through all her efforts. As a mentor, she sometimes could be very tough but when she spoke to you, you knew she cared and spoke from her heart. She is irreplaceable!