2024 Annual Breakfast

June 1, 2024

Dear Member:
We are pleased to announce that the 39th Annual Businessperson of the Year and
Legislative Breakfast will be held on Friday, October 25th, 2024, at the Crest Hollow Country Club in Woodbury. The actual event is from 8:00am until 10am, but pictures start at 7am the latest, more on that in coming months.

We encourage every chamber to select an honoree from your membership for this prestigious event, and keep in mind that your chamber must be in good standing with paid dues for 2024. Please refer to the Honoree Application Form to the right of this page as to the criteria for selecting your honoree as well as additional required information.
It is crucial that we receive your Chamber’s application on or before August 15th,
2024. As in the past, table assignment will be based solely on the date the application and payment are received.

Finally, please make sure the NCCC has the current information for
your Chamber, including but not limited to:

Chamber President’s Name and email address

Chamber contact number and email address

We look forward to seeing you all at this sorely missed annual event.

Frank Camarano
Franklin Camarano Jr.
(516) 220-6176
[email protected]

2024 Annual Breakfast Forms

Please click on the button below to download the form.

Please return Sponsorship form by August 15th.

Committee Co-Chairs:

Frank Camarano
[email protected]