2019 Annual Breakfast
WHEN: October 18, 2019
WHERE: Crest Hollow Country Club in Woodbury
TIME: 8:00 am -10:00 am
Chamber Checklist:
- Send high resolution of your Honoree's company logo to Mitch Schwartz ncccbreakfast@gmail.com. DEADLINE TO RECEIVE LOGO IS 9/1/19
- If you have not yet paid for your table reservations for the event, please do so immediately. Only paid up Chambers will be assigned table(s).
- Your chamber must be in good standing with paid dues for 2019.
- It is important that we receive the name of your honoree along with their contact information by July 31, 2019.
- Please be sure to update your chamber’s current contact information as well.
- Click the button below to print the application form.
To email the application click on the envelop.
To enhance and facilitate smooth operation of this event, we have instituted some procedures for this year’s Breakfast:
- All aspects of the Breakfast will take place upstairs – this includes registration, sponsor tables and photos. There will be signs and greeters to assist all.
- We encourage all Honorees and their Board Members to be at the Crest Hollow Country Club by 7:00 a.m. to register, receive their plaques, citations and to take pictures along with their Chamber and our NCCC President. Pictures will be taken from 7:00 to 7:45 only. We urge you to arrive by 7:00 as the session will end promptly at 7:45. We are sending these procedures to all Chamber Presidents and guests so everyone will be aware of the time frame.
- We ask your cooperation and assistance in keeping the room quiet and respectful while the speakers are addressing the guests at our event. Please do not take group pictures in the ballroom or sponsor room during the Breakfast itself. Both areas will be available after the Breakfast for pictures. We also request no disruptions during the Honoree acknowledgements or during any ceremonial portions of the event.
Thank you for your cooperation, we look forward to seeing you there.
We encourage every chamber to select an honoree from your membership for this prestigious event.
Additional inquiries contact:
Julie Marchesella, Breakfast Chairperson julieqoh123@aol.com